Frank Conaway, DMD, MAGD Recommends Botox As A Non-Surgical Solution To Anti-Aging
Why Botox?
Life is a rollercoaster of emotions — we laugh, we cry, we pout, we smile. Over time, these emotions begin to show up as wrinkles on our once-smooth faces. Botox can help. Also, it can be used to help with TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder), and migraine headaches. If you live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and are looking for a fresh start, we’ve got just the thing for you.
How Does Botox Work?
Botox is an injection of highly purified botulinum toxin. It is used to temporarily improve the look of crow’s feet lines around the eyes and frown lines between the eyebrows. Botox temporarily relaxes and reduces muscle activity. This allows you to see visible smoothing of wrinkles in a short amount of time. Botox both makes existing wrinkles appear smoother and prevents future wrinkles from forming.
After your Botox treatment, there is minimal recovery time and you can immediately and easily resume your day-to-day activities. It only takes two to seven days to see the final results of your treatment, and the effects last for 4-6 months! If you are interested in scheduling Botox treatment or if you simply have some questions, please give us a call at (228) 467-4670 or email us.
We Can Help
We value our relationship with you. Here at Frank Conaway, DMD, MAGD, we’re already your trusted dental professionals. Trust us with your cosmetic needs as well. While growing old is inevitable, getting wrinkles doesn’t have to be. Call us today to at (228) 467-4670 to discuss Botox! We’d love to answer your questions.